This is a personal blog I started as a hobby to keep me busy during my free time. I love to exercise and work out with weights, after a couple of years of training I began looking for new ways to improve and transform my body.
What I found is that a lot of the bodybuilding information on the internet is for men, I wanted to share some of the things I learned about training, supplements, and steroids hoping it will help other women.
3 Great Exercises to Get Rid of Flabby Arms Women's arm exercises are often difficult to find, especially good ones so I thought it about time to unveil my 3…
5 Things You Should Know About Weight Loss Pills Are you tired of trying to figure out whether using pills to lose weight will help you? Are you overwhelmed by…
The Keto Diet and Working Out Benefits for Women There are hundreds of diets that many women are aware of, one of them that has been popular for over a…